We operate on a staff ratio of 1:3 for the 9 babies who can attend at any one time in our age group 0-18 months.
The staff work closely with parents, ensuring that we cater for the child’s individual needs, personal routines and tailoring support accordingly.
Babies attending Lancaster International Day Care have the opportunity to explore a wide variety of resources throughout the session including sensory play and outdoor play.
Babies are able to rest in a separate area within our dedicated baby room where they are safely monitored.
Breastfeeding mothers are also welcome to use our private space to feed their babies when required.
18-36 months old children attending Lancaster International Day Care have a staff ratio of 1:4.
The children have plenty of opportunity to further develop their skills through stimulating, challenging and fun activities. These activities include sensory play such as painting, playdough and Music Time with a variety of musical instruments. They can also enjoy water play and sand play in a safe environment.
This age group of 18-36 months are able to explore the indoor and outdoor learning environment through free flow play, accessing resources and activities of their choice. Children are encouraged to develop their gross motor skills by using wheeled toys and outdoor climbing equipment.
As children approach their 3rd birthday, they will begin to make regular visits to Pre-school. Regular visits will help to assist the children with a smooth and comfortable transition.
Your child is provided with a healthy snack mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Clean and safe drinking water is accessible to all children throughout the session.
Children attending this room have a staff ratio of 1:8.
Here children continue to develop their independent skills by taking part in adult-initiated and child-initiated activities.
Children experience a wide and exciting range of activities that are freely and easily accessible throughout the sessions. These include story time, adult-led rhyme and rhythm activities using fun-filled percussion instruments.
A wide selection of resources are offered and are available for the children to self-select, which promotes independent learning.
The age group 36-48 months also have use of an extended variety of art and craft materials and mark-making materials. These promote their fine motor skills in preparation for starting school.
Children attending this room have a staff ratio of 1:8.
Children in the age group continue to be encouraged to develop independent skills and will be exposed to phonic materials in preparation for starting school.
They will continue to have access to a range of exciting age appropriate toys and resources, such as plenty of role play costumes and activity driven equipment such as a kitchen station.
As music is a universal language, children will have continued access to music instruments. There will also be a variety of arts and crafts materials that will be freely and readily available for children to continue to hone their motor skills in preparation for starting school.
Phone: +234-806-117-3251
Email: info@lancasterinternational.org